Developing a Federal Research Agenda for Positive Youth Development: Identifying Gaps in the Field and an Effective Consensus Building Approach release_mzmidp63c5hrrekmpbbb2fmiwm

by Allison B. Dymnicki, Suzanne Le Menestrel, Michelle J. Boyd, Lisa Lauxman, Sarah E. Oberlander, David M. Osher

Published in Journal of Youth Development by University Library System, University of Pittsburgh.

2016   Volume 11, p5-19


The field of positive youth development (PYD) is at an important crossroads in terms of defining its scope and directions for future research. This paper describes an effective consensus-building process that representatives from 16 federal agencies engaged in to develop a research agenda focused on PYD and the product that resulted from using this approach. During this process, the representatives identified and refined three research domains (conceptual issues related to PYD, data sources and indicators, and program implementation and effectiveness) and key research questions that could benefit from future research. We share lessons learned from our experience to emphasize the importance of organizational systems change efforts and interagency collaborations. A major contribution of this paper is to provide specific areas for future research in PYD from the federal perspective and to describe future implications for PYD policy and interagency collaborations.
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Type  article-journal
Stage   published
Date   2016-12-15
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ISSN-L:  2325-4009
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Revision: c5c0c6ce-541f-43e5-b2d7-c86707839353