Temporal Explorations in Cosmic Consciousness: Intra-Agential Entanglements and the Neuro-Image release_mvecqj5fzfhvxealn3emumsblu

by Patricia Pisters

Published in Cultural Studies Review by University of Technology, Sydney (UTS).

2015   Volume 21, p120


When Deleuze in the 1980s argued that 'the brain is the screen' he introduced the concepts of movement-image and time-image, two different modes of cinema with particular ontological and aesthetic characteristics. Contemporary cinema, however, has moved into yet another aesthetic mode, which I have proposed to call the neuro-image. One of the characteristics of the neuro-image is that we no longer follow the movements and actions of characters in a certain space (as in the movement-image), nor see the world coloured through their eyes (as in the time-image), but we (often quite literally) experience brain worlds more directly, from within mental landscapes. In this essay I will investigate in which ways these brain worlds aesthetically express an embodied and embedded brain, addressing the new materialist dimensions of the neuro-image in a journey of cosmic cinema and, to speak with Barad, 'meeting the universe halfway.'
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Date   2015-11-25
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