@article{šlouf_vlková_pavlova_hrubý_sikora_jigounov_baše_novotný_šloufová_2011, title={Lec tures-Session I, Monday, June 20 L1 NANOPARTICLES FOR MULTIPLE IMMUNOLABELING AND NUCLEATION OF POLYMER CRYSTALLIZATION}, abstractNote={Me tal lic nanoparticles com bine large sur face/vol ume ra tio with spe cific chem i cal, elec tronic and op ti cal prop er ties. We de scribe prep a ra tion and char ac ter iza tion of gold, silver and pal la dium nanoparticles with tun able sizes and/or shapes. It is dem on strated how the nanoparticles are employed in two dif fer ent fields of re search: (a) mul ti ple immunolabeling in bi ol ogy and (b) nu cle ation of poly-propy lene crys tal li za tion in poly mer sci ence. In our pre vi ous stud ies, we de scribed nu mer ous nanoparticle syn the ses, such as prep a ra tion of iso met ric Au nanoparticles with tun able size within range 4-200 nm [1, 2], iso met ric Ag nanoparticles [3], iso met ric Pd nanoparticles with tun able size 3-16 nm [3, 4], iso met ric core-shell (Ag)Au nanoparticles [5], Pd nanocubes [3] and Au nanorods [6]. The nanoparticles were usu ally char ac ter-ized mi cro scopic, spec tro scopic and dif frac tion meth ods. Trans mis sion elec tron mi cros copy (TEM) bright field images of se lected me tal lic nanoparticles are given in Fig. 1. struc ture, size, sta bil ity, and nu cle ation ef fects of the pre pared nanoparticles. Se lected area elec tron dif frac tion (SAED) and apertureless elec tron dif frac tion (ED) ver i fied the struc ture of syn the sized nanoparticles [3]. Quasi-elas tic light scat ter ing (QELS) and small-an gle X-ray scat ter ing (SAXS) proved the sta bil ity of nanoparticle col loi dal so lu-tions, which are used dur ing mul ti ple immunolabeling [1-4]. Two-di men sional wide-an gle X-ray scat ter ing (2D-WAXS) was em ployed in quan ti fi ca tion of Au-nu cle-ated crys tal li za tion of isotactic polypropylene [7-9]. 1. Slouf M, Kuzel R, Matej Z: Prep a ra tion and char ac ter iza-tion of iso met ric gold nanoparticles with pre cal cu lated size. Z. Kristallogr. Suppl. 23, 2006, 319-324. 2. Slouf M, Plestil J, Synkova H, Kumstatova J, Eklova S: SAXS and QELS Study of Au and UHMWPE par ti cles; Struktura 2005-32. Kolokvium Èeské a Slovenské krystalografické spoleènosti, Tøeš•, 20.6.-23.6.2005, Czech Re pub lic; Ma te ri als Struc ture, vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 82-85, 2005. 3. Hozak P, Slouf M, Nebesarova J, Mosa M, Krivjanska M (2010): Soubor vzájemnì rozlišitelných nanoèástic, zpùsob jejich pøípravy a jejich použití pro vícenásobné Ó Krystalografická spoleènost Ma te ri als Struc ture, vol. 18, no. 2 (2011) 107 Fig ure 1. TEM mi cro graphs show ing (a) Ag iso met ric nanoparticles, (b) Pd nanocubes and (c) Au nanorods; the par ti cles were de pos-ited on an elec tron-trans par ent car bon film be fore observation.}, author={Šlouf and Vlková and Pavlova and Hrubý and Sikora and Jigounov and Baše and Novotný and Šloufová}, year={2011} }