@article{jao_lin_chen_hsieh_2022, title={Effects of Calcium Sulfate and Chitosan on Textural Modification and Microstructure of Tofu Made from Lentils (Lens Culinaris)}, volume={10}, DOI={10.3390/pr10102000}, abstractNote={This study investigated calcium sulfate and chitosan on the textural modification and microstructure of tofu made from lentils. The addition of varying amounts of calcium sulfate (0–12 mM) and chitosan (0–1.0%) into lentil milk could affect the gel properties of lentil-based tofu. The gel properties, including the hardness and cohesiveness, of lentil-based tofu significantly increased with the addition of 12 mM calcium sulfate, exhibiting a slightly discontinuous network structure and a slightly regular pore network. However, the gel properties including hardness and cohesiveness significantly decreased with the addition of 1.0% chitosan, presenting a slightly continuous network structure with pores. Sodium dodecyl sulfate–polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) analysis showed that the aggregation of the vicilin, legumin acidic unit and legumin basic unit proteins in lentil milk was induced both by 12 mM calcium sulfate and 1.0% chitosan. Our results suggested that calcium sulfate and chitosan could affect the gel properties, such as hardness and cohesiveness, of lentil-based tofu. Therefore, calcium sulfate and chitosan can be used as practical food additives for the development of texture-modified lentil-based tofu.}, number={10}, publisher={MDPI AG}, author={Jao, Cheng-Hsun and Lin, Chieh-Yi and Chen, Chao-Jung and Hsieh, Jung-Feng}, year={2022}, month={Oct} }