The Rights of Each Wife in the Division of Community Property in Polygamous Marriage According to Law Number 1 Of 1974 Concerning Marriage release_mhfva4w6bvfrjgnyu5huo3bevy

by Nurul Maulidah, Thohir Luth, Iwan Permadi, Masruchin Ruba'i

Published in International Journal of Multicultural and Multireligious Understanding by International Journal of Multicultural and Multireligious Understanding (IJMMU).

2019   p355


This study aims to analyze the norms that all wives have the same rights over community property obtained since the marriage took place as the norm in Article 65 paragraph (1) letter c of Law number 1 of 1974 concerning Marriage. Therefore, this will get answers to the rights of each wife to community property in the division of community property in polygamous marriage. This research includes the type of legal research. The research method is based on the nature of legal science whose object is the norm. Legal research assesses legal norms so that it is normative. A man and woman before marriage each have complete rights to their property. After binding themselves to a marriage institution, there are norms governing their rights to property ownership. Community property in a marriage is realized by the effort of husband and wife; however, the capital can also come from separate property or gifts from each husband and wife which are manifested into property in marriage. Determination of community property in polygamous marriages is only based on marriage in which each wife can ignore the rights of another wife.
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Type  article-journal
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Date   2019-03-27
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