@misc{de zubicaray_2022, title={The neural organisation of language production: Evidence from neuroimaging and neuromodulation}, DOI={10.31234/osf.io/pf5sk}, abstractNote={

This is a chapter to appear in a forthcoming book on Cognitive Processes of Language Production. For over 150 years, most of our knowledge about the neural organisation of language production has been informed by aphasiology. However, neuroimaging and brain stimulation (i.e., neuromodulation) technologies have contributed considerably to our understanding in recent decades and are increasingly being applied in combination. In addition to contributing to our knowledge about neural mechanisms, these studies have caused us to reconsider the cognitive representations and processes involved, leading to the construction of neurobiologically-informed models of production. This chapter begins with a review of the findings that have contributed significantly to our understanding of the brain's capacity for spoken, written and signed production. Next, mechanisms of monitoring and cognitive control during production are reviewed. This is followed by an overview of the anatomical connectivity supporting the production system, i.e., its connectome.

}, publisher={Center for Open Science}, author={de Zubicaray, Greig Ian}, year={2022}, month={Mar} }