@article{kannas_alhassan_wafi_2020, title={Cobiax and post-tension slabs: A comparative study based on the construction duration time and cost}, DOI={10.47346/ijaesa.v1i4.23}, abstractNote={Slabs are one of the most basic components concerning the cost of the structure, because of the number of building materials utilized. It is of incentive to think about the current technologies available, meaning to make these slabs cost less or even improve its behaviour. Cobiax and post-tension slabs systems show up as an appropriate alternative. In light of this reason, this paper focuses on demonstrating the advantages and disadvantages of both Cobiax and post-tension systems. Nowadays, these systems are very popular all around the world. It is very necessary to have a wide understanding of the differences in cost and the construction duration between these two systems and have good knowledge about the advantages and disadvantages of both types. Firstly, the properties of these types of slabs have been reported and the advantages and disadvantages for both systems and then the cost and time has been compared, which are the most important factors for the owners. Finally, it has been made a comparison between the reinforcement quantities, concrete quantities, final cost and duration to finalize the construction stage.  As a result, it has been found that the post-tension system is more economical than the Cobiax system according to reinforcement quantities, on the other hand, Cobiax system is more economical in concrete quantities which leads to lighter buildings and fewer reinforcement quantities in foundations. When the construction duration has been considered, it has been found that the post-tension is the quickest system in the construction field because it is increasing the strength and durability of the structure which the Cobiax system cannot provide.}, publisher={London Tech Press}, author={Kannas, Haitham and Alhassan, Mahmoud and Wafi, Abdallah M. S.}, year={2020}, month={Oct} }