Retained Metallic Part of a Dislodged Knife in the Thoracic Spine with Paraparesis release_lznjcqwrkbe3nomt73gesmbdeu

by Fateha Yasmin Antara, Fateha Yasmin Antara, Dey A, Khan MSH, Morshed MMH, Khan MN, Sarkar S

Published in Surgical Case Reports by Science Repository OU.

2022   p1-5


The incidence of traumatic spinal cord injury is reported as 30-40 million per year. Among these, stab wounds to the spinal canal are usually rare. These injuries often lead to complete or incomplete neurological deficits. An appropriate management can ensure good functional recovery for approximately two-third of the patient. As these cases are uncommon, their treatment protocols are still controversial and under evaluation. Some literatures reveal various surgical approaches. Spinal canal injury with retained part of the causative agent (knife, bullet, glass etc.) or any other complication on the wound site demands immediate surgical exploration. Here we report on a patient with a retained metallic foreign body (tip of knife) in the thoracic region traversing the left pedicle of sixth thoracic vertebrae along with spinal canal with paraparesis and after neuro-surgical exploration and complete removal of the foreign body, patient shows gradual improvement of neuro-functional status. Proper wound care and long term close follow up was ensured during post operative period.
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Type  article-journal
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Date   2022-10-20
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