The Use of Chinese Discourse Marker "啊"(AH) of Men and Women in Sitcom "IPARTMENT" release_lxzviqlvg5arbi2pzyfx6yxgqy

by Kullayanee Kittopakarnkit

Published in Asian Journal of Arts and Culture by College of Graduate Studies, Walailak University.

2023   Volume 21, p26-34


Discourse markers typically appear in daily life conversations, and the use of discourse markers of men and women is different depending on language use. The purpose of this study was to investigate functions of the discourse marker "Ah", which appeared in the sitcom IPartment. The data were analyzed using the perspectives of gender and language use. The findings indicated that the discourse marker "Ah" appeared in the sitcom had various functions. The indicator "Ah" emphasized the sentences at the initial position, led to correction on wrong or unexpectedly sent messages, smoothened the sentences, stressed the whole sentences, provided examples, attracted the audiences, responded to situations, and showed responses. In addition, both men and women most frequently used "Ah" as emphasizing the sentences at the initial position. There was a total of 203 occurrences of "Ah" discourse markers used by male characters and a total of 89 occurrences of "Ah" discourse markers used by female characters. The findings indicated that the male characters used "Ah" more frequently than the female characters did.
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Date   2023-01-03
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