@article{andronov_tyumen_leverents_tyumen_2021, title={THE USE OF STATISTICAL MODELING TO ASSESS THE EFFECTIVENESS OF THE APPLICATION OF ADAPTIVE CONTROL AND RECONSTRUCTION OF THE ROAD NETWORK INTERSECTIONS}, DOI={10.31660/2782-232x-2021-3-40-49}, abstractNote={The article discusses the issues and results of the use of statistical modeling (one of the types of simulation modeling, the so-called "Monte Carlo" method), to assess the effectiveness of traffic management on the example of the Timofey Charkov st. and Verkhnetarmanskaya st. intersection, located in the city of Tyumen. The results are based on the length of the vehicle queue and traffic delay time for one car in the scenario of widening the intersection's carriageway and/or the implementation of the adaptive regulation for traffic flows. The calculations were carried out in the "SmartAdaptive+" program developed by the authors, and designed for a technical and economic assessment of the effectiveness of traffic management measures and the use of adaptive regulation and measures to change the road network nodes configuration.}, number={3(97)}, publisher={Industrial University of Tyumen}, author={Andronov, Roman V. and Tyumen and Leverents, Evgeny E. and Tyumen}, year={2021} }