@article{toropoc_frunzulica_2012, title={PAPER ECONOMICAL CONSIDERATIONS CONCERNING RADIANT HEATING SYSTEMS}, volume={74}, abstractNote={For industrial buildings with important height, more than 12m, sometimes different heating solutions are proposed without taking into consideration the energetically efficiency of the systems. Such type of buildings represents a problem in selection of the most convenient solution from economical point of view, including initial cost for the heating system but especially for the maintaining costs. The selection of the heating system must be made with objectivity if we consider different solutions and type of heating systems for the same building, with a similar economical and functional efficiency. The present paper analyzes various heating systems for buildings with important height and compares them from cost of investment, maintenance and energy efficiency point of view. The conclusions of this article can be extended to new buildings and their conception, but also to old ones, inefficient, needed to be rehabilitated.}, author={Toropoc and Frunzulica}, year={2012} }