Electron Correlation Induced Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking and Weyl Semimetal Phase in a Strongly Spin-Orbit Coupled System release_lqvzevxysrga7pg7kw3ia3w7my

by Akihiko Sekine, Kentaro Nomura

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We study theoretically the electron correlation effect in a three-dimensional Dirac fermion system which describes a topologically nontrivial state. It is shown within the mean-field approximation that time-reversal and inversion symmetries of the system are spontaneously broken in the region where both spin-orbit coupling and electron correlation are strong. This phase is considered as an analog of that in the lattice quantum chromodynamics. It is also shown that in the presence of magnetic impurities, electron correlation enhances the appearance of the Weyl semimetal phase between the topological insulator phase and the normal insulator phase.
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Type  article
Stage   submitted
Date   2012-12-26
Version   v1
Language   en ?
arXiv  1212.6218v1
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