@article{grębowiec_2016, title={Rola marki w procesie podejmowania decyzji zakupu produktów mleczarskich na przykładzie rynku jogurtów}, volume={64}, DOI={10.22630/pefim.2016.15.64.5}, abstractNote={High-quality products are appreciated by consumers. The ongoing analysis of the preferences and choices of buyers allows the perception of changes in the behavior of the market, and indicates directions of development companies. Taking into account the needs and preferences of consumers in the activities of enterprises affects the growth of their market position, as well as gaining more and more loyal customers. Brand plays a crucial role in making a selection from a wide range of market offers. The loyalty of customers towards the brand affects the increase in its reputation. This translates into an increase in sales and the possibility of further development of the company. Famous brands can compete on quality of customer loyalty. Using strategies to create brand image, it gains a competitive advantage. The aim of the study was to investigate the significance of the brand among consumers when buying dairy products. As the main spectrum of interest is selected market milk and dairy products, with particular emphasis yoghurt market.}, number={15}, publisher={Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW Press}, author={Grębowiec, Mariusz}, year={2016}, month={May} }