Hypertransaminasemia and severe hepatic steatosis without inflammation. A case report release_l65z4oriffbixfu3sio6plqry4

by Nahum Méndez-Sánchez, Daniel Motola-Kuba, Jesús Bahena-Aponte, Norberto Chavez-Tapia, Raúl Pichardo-Bahena, Misael Uribe

Published in Annals of Hepatology .

Volume 2, Issue 4, p183-5


Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is a medical condition that may progress to end-stage liver disease. The spectrum of NAFLD is wide and ranges from simple fat accumulation in hepatocytes (steatosis), to fat accumulation plus necroinflammatory activity with or without fibrosis (steatohepatitis). In addition, NAFLD is the most common cause of abnormal liver-test results among adults with a prevalence of 13%-23%. This case report is an example of a patient with asymptomatic hypertransaminasemia and severe hepatic steatosis without inflammation in which the diagnosis was made by liver biopsy.
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