@article{subhasish_2020, title={Major Problems in Teacher Education and its Remedies in the Context of 21st Century}, DOI={10.5281/zenodo.3813097}, abstractNote={The present paper highlights the problems of Teacher Education and how to solve the problems in the context of 21st century. The progress of a country depends upon the quality of education and the quality of education depends upon its quality of the teachers. Hence, teaching is considered the noblest and a prideful profession. The Programme of Teacher Education aims at the development of effectiveness, proficiency and competency of a teacher, which in turn empowers the teacher to face the challenges of her/his profession with deftness. Education is in itself a dynamic process therefore development and changes in education reflects on teacher education. Indian education system has rapidly changed with the explosion of knowledge, population growth, advancement of science and technology. Innovative ideas and practices are rapidly enriching the system of education. The present paper is focused on the major challenges that continue to obstruct the smooth functioning of the teacher education programmes. Thereafter, an attempt has been made to provide the remedial measures like proper planning and utilization of human resources, qualified staff, adequate facilities of space and equipment, effective teaching practice and internship, quality improvement, research efficacy, professional competency, empowerment of teacher educators, integration of ICT in Teacher Education etc.}, publisher={Zenodo}, author={Subhasish, Sen}, year={2020}, month={Mar} }