@article{mitchell_heitz_leach_berghuis_2022, title={sj-pdf-9-hpq-10.1177_13591053221132899 – Supplemental material for Material circumstances, health care access, and self-reported health: A latent class analysis}, DOI={10.25384/sage.21501841.v1}, abstractNote={Supplemental material, sj-pdf-9-hpq-10.1177_13591053221132899 for Material circumstances, health care access, and self-reported health: A latent class analysis by Amanda M Mitchell, Hannah K Heitz, Stephen M Leach and Kate J Berghuis in Journal of Health Psychology}, publisher={SAGE Journals}, author={Mitchell, Amanda M and Heitz, Hannah K and Leach, Stephen M and Berghuis, Kate J}, year={2022}, month={Nov} }