@article{lövenberger_2010, title={Die Relevanz der Syntax beim Simultandolmetschen}, DOI={10.25365/thesis.8304}, abstractNote={This Master's Thesis relates to syntactic structures in conference interpreting and to structure-related strategies and operations that help interpreters to deal with language-pair specific asymmetries. The first two chapters provide the theoretical framework for the analysis of syntactic differences between two languages in written and oral technical communication by giving an overlook of the criteria governing these texts. The third chapter deals with the cognitive processes in simultaneous interpreting and introduces strategies to prevent saturation as a result of failures in capacity management. The last two chapters provide the practical part of this Thesis and comprise an experiment carried out with student interpreters in the language-pair German-Hungarian, which shows that the transfer operations described by Kinga Klaudy (2003) for the process of translation are difficult to use in the process of interpreting. The experiment also reveals that translators tend to use different strategies in interpreting than in translation in order to prevent a significant loss of information in the case of a written and polished text that is read out by the speaker. These strategic processes were categorised and proved to be advantageous for handling complex technical texts. They also resulted in a target text with new syntactic structures and with a different textual microstructure. This Master's Thesis relates to syntactic structures in conference interpreting and to structure-related strategies and operations that help interpreters to deal with language-pair specific asymmetries. The first two chapters provide the theoretical framework for the analysis of syntactic differences between two languages in written and oral technical communication by giving an overlook of the criteria governing these texts. The third chapter deals with the cognitive processes in simultaneous interpreting and introduces strategies to prevent saturation as a result of failures in capacity management. The last two chapters provide the practica [...]}, author={Lövenberger, Andrea}, year={2010} }