Chinese Students in American High Schools release_kknrnlnq2zarzfuls73yekombe

by Chun Hei Cheung

Published in Journal of Education and Learning by Canadian Center of Science and Education.

2021   Volume 11, p65


There are numerous scholarly articles that focus on Chinese Students’ decisions to go overseas and challenges they face in American High Schools. These research generates a holistic view on the subject., with many of them agreeing each other. Yet, despite many scholarly articles discussing this topic, I find few of these studies originate from students who have lived through the experience of having left China to study abroad in the US themselves. This essay will explore and investigate the experience of Chinese students in US high schools through a combination of personal experience and scholarly articles. Some of the results go in accordance with the scholarly articles, while some deviate away from the findings.
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Date   2021-11-12
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ISSN-L:  1927-5250
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