by Oleh V. Tyshchenko, Marianna Figedyová

Published in Мова by Odesa I.I. Mechnikov National University.

2023   Issue 40, p51-62


The object is the semantic-grammatical and figurative-cognitive structure of phraseological analogues and fixed comparisons (in Czech and Slovak fairy tale texts) is traced in detail, taking into account their transformations in translation and types of interlingual phraseological equivalents, cases of replacement of phrases and paraphrases by non-phraseological contexts are explicated, and vice versa, the use of figurative signs and idioms in the target text that are not present in the original text (units with spatial semantics, emotion metaphors, folklorems and cognitems related to social and marriage concepts) are analysed. The purpose of this article is the differences in the figurative and conceptual structure, some initial, medial and final formulas in parallel texts and in comparison with other linguistic cultures, in particular Ukrainian and Polish fairy tale discourse (the concept of the Way, the journey, typical for fairy tales) are briefly described. Conclusions: Differences can also be traced at the level of semantic variation in the ways of expressing the difficult tasks and ordeals of the heroes, for example, the idea of the impossible or certain pragmatic formulas and constructions. These and other transformations of plots and motifs are typical of fairy tales in different linguistic cultures. This gives grounds to refer to them as peculiar cognitems. Where relevant, authors provides ethnocultural comments on the motivation of the images, their connection with traditional folk culture, ritual and customary representations of a particular ethnic group, and highlights the specifics of the rendering of these cultural realia, the symbolic function of objects and characters in the compared languages (verbalisation of the concepts of old age, unmarriedness, laziness, ways of phraseological representation of the semantic opposition of friend and foe, good and evil, clean and dirty, etc.). *The study is published with the support of the international grant project Erasmus+ KA220-HED No. 2021–1-SK01-KA220-HED-000022917 entitled The innovation of the concept and curriculum of doctoral study programs and increasing their effectiveness.
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Date   2023-11-14
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