Precipitin-Testing and Its Three-Dimensional Expression release_kedzapqj4fdfljmlvepipmspei

by Ellis T. Bolton

Published in Journal of Immunology by The American Association of Immunologists.

1947   Volume 57, p391-394


<jats:title>Summary</jats:title> The results of a series of quantitative turbidimetric precipitin-tests when plotted according to a three-dimensional scheme define the extent of the precipitin-reaction under study and describe the quantity of reaction in terms of the amount of precipitate formed over the range of visible antigen-antibody combination. The results of the ring-test methods and the method of optimal proportions when placed on the three-dimensional surface are observed to be of far less value in the description of the precipitin-reaction than is the quantitative turbidimetric method, for the information they yield may be not only fragmentary but sometimes misleading. Further implications of the three-dimensional expression of the results of precipitin-studies are under investigation.
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Type  article-journal
Stage   published
Date   1947-12-01
Language   en ?
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ISSN-L:  0022-1767
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