Acid attacks: Issues and Challenges
Mr. Kiran Ranganath Kale,
Assistant Professor, Sarsenapati Hambirrao Mohite Law College, Rajgurunagar, Pune, Maharashtra, India
cid attack is against the indivual but consequences are universal; hence I think it is one kind of deep rooted social evil. As a learner of law we all are well aware that crime is against world at large or against the society. Now this acid attacks demeans the society and humanity. It reflects crony of human beings which is always hidden and not apparent. Over the years the gravity of this heinous crime has centralized Research scholars, thinkers' Social activist, Legislatures, law students' judges as well to make out way to curb this paranoia. In A.K. Gopalan's case Justice Patanjali shashtri said that "man is rational beings desires to do many things but in civil society his desires will have to be controlled with the exercise of sillier desires of other indivual." And not pouring acid on him or her. Because the main reasons behind commission of this brutal act are unwarranted desires like rejection of love marriages not love but proposal of marriages, refusal of dowry, rejection of sexual demands, property dispute, family conflict, disputes of live-in relationships though desires of human beings cannot be legislated but behavior can be controlled by penalizing it. The acid attack is unpredicted and permeated violence against beauty and body of the person; this is the only attack which can be done against inherent things of the body rather than bodily harm to the person. Those beautiful things of the victims can be targeted which are impossible to digest to the acid throwers. Acid attack is not only crime but also brutal violence that shows the gravity of the act of the thrower. This leads several long term consequences like blindness, disfigurations of the face and body, having negative felling to live along with society. Hence this evil must be eradicated before it grows in civil society
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Date 2021-11-25
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