Reading Bourdieu: On The Possibility of A Post-Positivist Sociology release_k5zph34znngwfaxjhcoojvbjey

by Mehmet Meder, Güney Çeğin

Published in Gaziantep University Journal of Social Sciences by Gaziantep University.

2011   Volume 10, p233-256


This article intends to quest for an opportunity of post-positivist sociology by focusing on the French sociologist Pierre Bourdieu`s intellectual production and addressing the point on which historical basis Bourdieu`s sociological perspective is established. In this context, in the first part of the article, it is going to be pointed out by which movements (successively structuralism, interactionism and pragmatism) criticizing does he arrive at the scientific understanding that tries to overcome the tension between objectivism which looks down on the social and subjectivism which accepts individuals` quotidian life and ideas without questioning. This, in other words, means a construction of a new scientific language becoming hybridized between the structuralist terminology and the phenomenological attitude and damaging the main backbone of mainstream sociology. Bourdieu`s understanding of sociology, whose works are also being read as an eternal argument against positivism, empiricism, structuralism, existentialism, phenomenology, economism, Marxism, methodological individualism and grand narratives, provides a new point of view by criticising subjective and objective forms of knowledge and the essentialist perspective of reality. The concept of habitus being the crucial notion of this Bourdieu based innovative thought is also going to be dealt with in terms of an opportunity of post-positivist sociology
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Year   2011
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ISSN-L:  1303-0094
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