@article{bo_shi_wang_qin_wei_2022, title={Image Segmentation Algorithm of Colorimetric Sensor Array Based on Fuzzy C-Means Clustering}, volume={2022}, DOI={10.1155/2022/8333054}, abstractNote={In the real world, the boundaries between many objective things are often fuzzy. When classifying things, they are accompanied by ambiguity, which leads to fuzzy cluster analysis. The most typical in fuzzy clustering analysis is the fuzzy C-means clustering algorithm. The fuzzy C-means clustering algorithm obtains the membership degree of each sample point to all the class centers by optimizing the objective function, so as to determine the category of the sample point to achieve the purpose of automatically classifying the sample data. Based on fuzzy C-means clustering, this paper analyzes the image segmentation algorithm of the chroma sensor array. The fuzzy C-means (FCM) algorithm for colorimetric sensor array image segmentation is an unsupervised fuzzy clustering and recalibration process, which is suitable for the existence of blur and uncertainty in colorimetric sensor array images. However, this algorithm has inherent defects; that is, it does not combine the characteristics of the current colorimetric sensor array diversity and instability, does not consider the spatial information of the pixels, and only uses the grayscale information of the image, making it effective for noise. The image segmentation effect is not ideal. Therefore, this paper proposes a new colorimetric sensor array image segmentation algorithm based on fuzzy C-means clustering. Through the image segmentation effect test, the image segmentation algorithm proposed in this paper demonstrates an overall optimal segmentation accuracy of 96.62% in all array point image segmentation, which can effectively and accurately achieve the target extraction of colorimetric sensor array images.}, publisher={Hindawi Limited}, author={Bo, Yu and Shi, Peng and Wang, Can and Qin, Fang and Wei, Huimei}, editor={Chaudhary, Gopal}, year={2022}, month={Aug} }