@article{glinskikh_nechaev_2022, title={Two-dimensional numerical simulation of spontaneous potential logging data with account to clay content of a reservoir by finite element method}, DOI={10.33764/2618-981x-2022-2-2-10-16}, abstractNote={Spontaneous polarization potential (SP) logging remains one of the most widely used geophysical methods of borehole investigation. However, for a long time its interpretation was based on empirical dependences and analytical solutions in simplified formulations. At present the development of the method is associated with the development of new approaches to numerical modeling and quantitative interpretation of SP logging data. Application of numerical algorithms makes it possible to considerably increase information content and resolution of SP method. Nevertheless, most of the currently proposed approaches rely on a simplified description of SP signal formation, which may lead to errors in data interpretation for complex reservoir intervals. In this work, we propose an algorithm for numerical simulation of SP logging data as applied to the study of clayed fluid-saturated reservoirs. The physical and mathematical model of SP signal formation in terms of coupled fluxes for the case of electrochemical SP source is considered. The software realization of the algorithm includes a two-dimensional numerical simulation of SP signals based on the application of the finite element method in the axially symmetric model of the geological medium. The character of SP signals for reservoirs of different thickness at four values of the reservoir water saturation coefficient is studied, as well as the dependence of the shape and amplitude of the SP anomaly in a water- and oil-saturated clayed reservoir on the content and type of clay mineral. The obtained results, aimed at the development of the SP method, improve the quality of SP diagrams interpretation for the study of clayed reservoirs.}, publisher={Siberian State University of Geosystems and Technologies}, author={Glinskikh, A. V. and Nechaev, O. V.}, year={2022}, month={May} }