Ethno-Botanical Survey of Medicinal Plants Used by the Talaandig of Lourdes, Valencia City, Buidnon, Philippines release_k3ut4xkzp5dy5cgizc5hkyzfry

by Mc Arthur L Cababan

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Traditionally, plants have been used as a source of medicine in Mindanao by indigenous people inhabiting various terrains especially when there is absence of medicines. An ethno-botanical survey was done to Talaandig people of Barangay Lourdes. Specifically, it aims to identify and determine some weed species; determine some local names used by Talaandig and assess the weeds species preparation and its application. Data revealed a total of 28 species belonging to 10 families and 26 genera. Most of the species collected were processed through decoction, juice and soaked. Age and gender of the Talaandig does not correlated to medicinal plant usage. Weed species still plays a vital role in primary healthcare of Indigenous People in Mindanao, Philippines. Therefore, awareness about the conservation of medicinal flora should be raised among the local communities.
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Date   2019-03-01
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