Strategies Used to Gain an Effective Parental Involvement: School Administration and Teachers' Perceptions release_jxhyjxyyhjeellkf7zxl7632iy

by Moshe Sharabi, Gilad Cohen-Ynon

Published in International journal of education by Academy and Industry Research Collaboration Center (AIRCC).

2022   Volume 10, p1-10


This preliminary study examines the perceptions of school administrators (principals and assistant principals) and teachers regarding the management of parental involvement. Principals, assistant principals, and teachers from both Jewish and Arab elementary schools were interviewed. Using a qualitative research approach, results show that the active participation of parents is the most important factor to achieve beneficial outcomes. At the same time, it is important to draw clear limits to their involvement. The school administrators and the teachers were in favor of parental involvement and some of them expected more involvement for the child's sake (especially in Arab schools). They believed that it is very important for the student's academic achievement and success. Regarding parental involvement in pedagogic issues, the staff were more hesitant, with some against this kind of involvement. Principals' leadership seems to be key for successful parental involvement and the optimal strategies are partnership and collaboration, not only with the parents but also with the teachers.
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Type  article-journal
Stage   published
Date   2022-09-30
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