@article{bochini_moreira_silva_ruiz_2008, title={Feeding habits of Chironomidae larvae (Insecta: Diptera) in Vargem Limpa stream, Bauru, SP, Brazil}, volume={21}, abstractNote={The present study analyzed the feeding habits and structure of the Chironomidae fauna in Vargem Limpa stream, in December 2004. The main food item ingested by most of the analyzed genera (Beardius, Caladomyia, Chironomus, Clinotanypus, Corynoneura, Cricotopus, Cryptochironomus, Dicrotendipes, Endotribelos, Harnischia, Fissimentum, Lopescladius, Polypedilum, Tanypus and Tanytarsus) was identified as detritus, except for the Cladopelma whose main food item was algae. Ablabesmyia was the only genus that exhibited items of animal origin in the diet. The diets of 17 genera were investigated, and the majority of the individuals were classified as collectors.}, publisher={Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina}, author={Bochini and Moreira and Silva and Ruiz}, year={2008} }