Detection of cyber attacks in network using machine learning techniques release_jmgfkdgyyfgh3djqslh3vtk33m

by SaiKira N, Pradeep Naidu P D S, Harshini K, Venkateswarlu M, Surya Narayana Reddy V

Published in South asian journal of engineering and technology by Eleyon Publishers.

2022   Volume 12, p138-145


 The development of effective techniques has been an urgent demand in the field of the cyber security community. Machine learning for cyber security has become an issue of great importance recently due to the effectiveness of machine learning in cyber security issues. This is typically accomplished by automatically collecting information from a variety of systems and network sources, and then analysing the information for possible security problems.  Our main goal is that the task of finding attacks is fundamentally different from these other applications, making it significantly harder for the intrusion detection community to employ machine learning effectively.
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Date   2022-08-03
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