@article{solovyeva_motora_2014, title={Nematodes of common Hexagrammidae species from the Far-Eastern Seas of Russia}, volume={176}, DOI={10.26428/1606-9919-2014-176-216-224}, abstractNote={Nematoda parasites of five greenling species from the Far-Eastern Seas ( Pleurogrammus azonus , P . monopterygius , Hexagrammos octogrammus , H . lagocephalus , H . stelleri ) are investigated. The family Hexagrammidae is endemic for the North Pacific. In total, 10 species of nematodes are found: Anisakis simplex l., Pseudoterranova decipiens l., Hysterothylacium aduncum , Contracaecum osculatum l., Ascarophis filiformis , A. curvicauda , A. pacifica , Cucullanellus minutus , Cucullanus heterochrous , and Paracapillaria helenae , all of them have wide geographical and hosts distribution. Anisakis simplex l. and Pseudoterranova decipiens l. are the most common for all investigated host species. The highest species diversity of nematodes (7 species) is registered for arabesque greenling P. azonus , particularly its females; Contracaecum osculatum l. and Cucullanus heterochrous are found for the first time for this host in the Japan Sea. The parasites are dispersed irregularly in muscles of all parts of fish body. Large-sized (i.e. elder) fish is higher infected by larvae of P. decipiens .}, publisher={FSBSI TINRO Center}, author={Solovyeva, Galina F. and Motora, Zoya I.}, year={2014}, month={Mar} }