linguistic impact of coronavirus on online service offers in Spain as well as France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands and the UK release_jhoc7wo6hvcm3od5n3l3kkx7oq

by Joachim Grzega

Published in Linguistics and Culture Review by Scientific and Literature Open Access Publishing.

2021   p31-42


Service offers from online platforms in Spain, Germany, Italy, France, Belgium, the Netherlands, and the UK since the COVID-19-related lockdowns in March 2020 are analyzed and related to classical pragmatic nomenclatures. As a result, COVID-19-related lexemes are used particularly in Spain, hardly in the Netherlands, and to a medium degree in Germany, France, Italy, and the UK. Often, such phrases are expressive/phatic, occasionally with an appeal to pity, just to promote positive connotations, not adding anything to the nature of the service. COVID-related lexemes are used, albeit rarely, to say that there is something positive in the crisis. More frequently, these lexemes are employed, in Spain, Germany, and Italy, to explain the motivation for the service offer. In all countries, the lexemes are (semantically superfluously?) used to say that the service offered is free from danger (sometimes being pseudo-assertive). In Spain, covid-lexemes are very typically used to show that the service supplier is free from danger (even in headlines and first sentences), in various kinds of wordings, which mostly do not support the pretended message from a strictly medical point of view: beyond classical terminology, such cases could be termed jargon-related conventional pseudo-implications.
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Date   2021-02-20
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