Memory ability declined due to sleep deprivation release_jdsuopj5qzegpbmdqtnvj3jvde

by Xiqi Zheng

Published in BCP Social Sciences & Humanities by Boya Century Publishing.

2022   Volume 20, p126-130


This passage focuses on whether memory ability will decline due to sleep deprivation. As the pressure on people's lives increases, people tend to sleep less to finish more work. The sacrifice of sleep time for the work product is worth it. So this paragraph will summarize this issue by analyzing articles, and the conclusion is lack of sleep will cause irreversible damage to the brain. So, people should recognize that they probably cannot afford the cost of sleep deprivation.
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Date   2022-10-18
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Revision: 597040b7-59a5-470f-9781-3e6601fe2495