@article{imanova_hasanli_samadova_guseynov_safarzade_2018, title={Influence of Annealing Temperature on Electrical Properties of Unmodified Bentonite}, DOI={10.24018/ejers.2018.3.6.624}, abstractNote={In this work, influence of annealing temperature on the electrical properties of unmodified bentonite has been investigated. It is concluded that, by the increase of annealing temperature, the values of permittivity and conductivity are decreased, but the electric resistance and the density of the bentonite are increased. It is also shown that the basic reason for this is the presence of water molecules and alkaline oxides such as Na2O, K2O in bentonite.}, publisher={European Open Access Publishing (Europa Publishing)}, author={Imanova and Hasanli and Samadova and Guseynov and Safarzade}, year={2018}, month={Jun} }