Bi-directional Forced Convective Stagnation Points Flow of Oldroyd-B Liquid with Joule Heating Effects: A Finite Difference Simulations release_j5mzw6stmbbavky6ivbxb2qy7y

by Bilal Ahmed

Published in CFD Letters by Akademia Baru Publishing.

2024   Volume 16, Issue 7, p22-38


The impact of Joule heating for the three-dimensional stagnation point flow of non-Newtonian liquid (namely Oldroyd-B) nanomaterial has been inspected. The influence of mixed convection and the magnetic force is also considered. The flow is induced by the bidirectional stretched surface which moves linearly. The partial differential equations for the developed model are altered into dimensionless statements first. The numerical simulations with the implementation of a finite difference scheme are used for the numerical description. The physical description of parameters is presented against the flow parameters. The results reveal that there is a reverse change in velocity observed for both the relaxation time constant and the retardation constant. Furthermore, the heat transfer rate decreases as the ratio parameter increases. The thickness of the boundary layer increases due to the retardation time and can also be regulated by the application of a magnetic field. An increase in the magnetic parameter leads to an enhancement in temperature and an increase in thermal boundary layer thickness.
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Type  article-journal
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Date   2024-03-04
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