Pluralism and complexity without integration? A critical appraisal of Mitchell's integrative pluralism release_j55lu7rm4vekln4ot5gyv32e4q

by Roger Deulofeu, Javier Suárez

Published in THEORIA : an International Journal for Theory, History and Fundations of Science by UPV/EHU Press.

2023   Volume 38, Issue 3, p299-317


This paper critically examines Mitchell's integrative pluralism. Integrative pluralism is the view that scientific explanations should primarily aim to integrate descriptions from different ontological levels. We contend that, while integrative pluralism is a fundamental strategy in contemporary science, there are specific reasons why one should not expect integration in the sense developed by Mitchell to be the optimal strategy and the one that scientists should always aim for. Drawing on some examples from contemporary biology, we argue that integration is sometimes neither epistemically desirable, nor ontologically achievable. We conclude that integrative pluralism should thus be limited to a specific class of complex systems but cannot be generalised as the preferable research strategy without further information about the epistemic practices of the scientific community or the ontology of the system under investigation.
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Type  article-journal
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Date   2023-09-02
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