@article{javaid_2018, title={Correlation Of Type Of St Segment Elevation In Acute Anterior Wall Myocardial Infarction On Ecg With Left Ventricular Function On Echocardiography}, DOI={10.5281/zenodo.1487956}, abstractNote={Background: The implication of the shape of ST elevation in the acute phase of myocardial infarction (MI) remains unclear. Aims and Objectives: When blood supply to the heart is decreased it causes myocardial ischemia that is expressed clinically by chest pain and on ECG three different patterns may be seen depending on the amount of damage. It was categorized into three grades of changes. In grade 1 there were only hyper acute T waves(concave type), in grade 2 there were hyper acute T waves + ST segment elevation(straight type) and in grade 3 there was tombstone appearance on ECG with the changes involving T waves + ST segment and QRS complex(convex type). We had assumed that there was maximum damage in grade 3 which was assessed on echocardiography. Our objective was to see the correlation between type of acute ST segment anterior wall myocardial infarction on ECG and LV function on echocardiography. Study Design: Non probability purpose sampling. Duration: Jan 2014 to Mar 2014 in the cardiology department of Jinnah Hospital Lahore. Results: we examined 50 patients with the diagnosis of anterior wall myocardial infarction who presented within 12 hours of presenting complaints and were thrombolysed by streptokinase. We determined the correlation between types of acute anterior wall myocardial infarction that was assessed on ECG with the left ventricular function that was assessed on echocardiography. Majority of the patients were found between the 46 to 60 years, while 34% were below 45 years and 16% were above 65 years. Mean and standard deviation was 52.66+10.873. Male and female distribution was 88% and 22% respectively. There were 20 patients who were falling in the category 1with the mean EF was 48.25+ 8.926, while 11 patients in grade 2 and mean EF was 35.45­+6.502 while 19 patients enrolled in grade 3 [...]}, publisher={Zenodo}, author={Javaid}, year={2018}, month={Nov} }