Technological bases of creation of industrial plantations of high-yield bioenergy crops release_irdfznkupbadxgfcrin24ky7xa

by M. Ya. Humentyk

Published in Bioenergy by Institute of Bioenergy Crops and Sugar Beet National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine.



Purpose. To develop technological bases of creation of industrial plantations on the basis of highly productive bioenergy crops, their cultivation, harvesting and supply of biomass for ensuring uninterrupted operation of heat-generating equipment in solid fuel boilers throughout the heating season. Research methods. In the research process, we have used the common scientific methods: the system analysis of trends in bioenergy development in Ukraine; series of dynamics of creation of production plantations of bioenergy plants; expert estimates of actual biofuel production; computer processing of acreage sizes, yields and gross harvest of bio-raw materials; forecasting of biofuel production and development of logistical base. Results. Тhe productivity of perennial bioenergy crops has been investigated. The technological basis for the creation of industrial plantations has been developed. Effective methods for collecting and supplying biomass for uninterrupted operation of heat generating equipment in solid fuel boilers throughout the heating season are substantiated. Сonclusions. To create an efficient scheme of thermal energy production under the conditions of the Forest-Steppe of Ukraine it is necessary to organize a planned supply of fuel chips and to develop an individual scheme of the energy conveyor to provide the heating season with raw materials based on the required amount of biomass on average: energy willow and poplar 14 t/ha; miscanthus and swichgrass 20 t/ha.
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Type  article-journal
Stage   published
Date   2021-03-01
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ISSN-L:  2707-3653
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