@misc{wagner_ruch_2021, title={Displaying character strengths in behavior is related to well-being and achievement at school: Evidence from between- and within-person analyses}, DOI={10.31234/osf.io/bphrk}, abstractNote={
In two studies, we establish the association between different assessments of character strengths (i.e., traits, habitual and daily behavior at school) with well-being and achievement at school. Study 1 (N = 414, mean age = 14.14 years) demonstrated that habitual strengths-related behavior at school accounted for unique variance in well-being at school and in achievement beyond the influence of the respective character strength trait. Further, the desirability of certain strengths (e.g., perseverance, fairness, forgiveness, and humor) at the classroom level accounted for additional variance in students' well-being. Study 2 (N = 186, mean age = 14.27 years) used a diary design across five days to replicate the between-person associations and study within-person associations. Results revealed that daily strengths-related behavior predicted well-being on the following day. Overall, the results underline the importance of strengths-related behavior at school and suggest that all 24 character strengths are relevant for well-being at school.
}, publisher={Center for Open Science}, author={Wagner, Lisa and Ruch, Willibald}, year={2021}, month={Apr} }