Readability of Electronic and Visual Ear Tags in Hair Goat Kids release_igl6el5olzb4jmzawalpghqthu

by Ferda Karakuş, Ayşe Özge Demir, Suna Akkol, Adem Düzgün, Murat Karakuş

Published in Turkish Journal of Agriculture: Food Science and Technology by Turkish Journal of Agriculture - Food Science and Technology (TURJAF).

2016   p407


This study aimed to evaluate the readability of electronic and visual ear tags in hair goat kids managed under extensive conditions. A total of 74 kids were identified with electronic and visual ear tags at birth. Readability of electronic and visual ear tags was 97.3% and 94.6% in static conditions at the end of 7 months, and 96.8% and 93.5% at the end of the first year after tagging, respectively. No breakages and electronic failures occurred during this study. Infected ear rate in electronic and visual ear tags was 45.9% and 17.6%, respectively. Under the conditions of this study, electronic and visual ear tags did not fulfill the International Committee for Animal Recording (ICAR) requirements (readability >98%) for an official animal identification device at the end of the first year after tagging. Therefore, low animal traceability with electronic and visual ear tags was determined by this study.
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Type  article-journal
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Date   2016-05-15
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ISSN-L:  2148-127X
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