@article{bergey_fisher_2018, title={Use of the Architecture Tradeoff Analysis Method (ATAM) in the Acquisition of Software-Intensive Systems}, DOI={10.1184/r1/6585668}, abstractNote={Software architecture is critical to the quality of a software-intensive system. For an acquisition organization, such as the Department of Defense (DoD), the ability to evaluate software architectures early in an acquisition can have a favorable impact on the delivered system. This technical note discusses the role of software architecture evaluations in a system acquisition and describes the contractual elements that are needed to accommodate architecture evaluations in an acquisition. The note then provides an example of contractual language that incorporates the Architecture Tradeoff Analysis Method (ATAM) as a software architecture evaluation method in a system acquisition.}, publisher={Figshare}, author={Bergey, John K. and Fisher, Matthew}, year={2018}, month={Jun} }