@article{chioncel_kohake_chioncel_2008, title={Solar Photovoltaic Monitoring System, Implemented on the Location Resita}, volume={XV}, abstractNote={This paper presents the actual state of research in the field of solarphotovoltaic conversion at the «Eftimie Murgu» University Resita, forthe location Resita, a location with following geographic coordinates:450 30' Nordic latitude and 210 59' east longitudes. The principal monitoriesed parameters are: solar radiation, module and ambient temperature, wind direction and speed, humidity, atmospheric pressure [2], a.o., in on-line mode, recorded in a data base with the possibility to view them on the Internet; added to this, the produced energy, from different types of photovoltaic modules, is counted and injected in the public grid to persuade the quality indicators of the installation.}, publisher={Eftimie Murgu University of Resita}, author={Chioncel and Kohake and Chioncel}, year={2008} }