Essential oils as growth-promoting additives on performance, nutrient digestibility, cecal microbes, and serum metabolites of broiler chickens: A meta-analysis release_i72tjt4zvjf37iy7uz4yn4wlli

by Agung Irawan, Cecep Hidayat, Anuraga Jayanegara, Adi Ratriyanto

Published in Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences .

2020   Volume 34, Issue 9, p1499-1513


The purpose of this meta-analysis was to evaluate the effect of dietary essential oils (EOs) on productive performance, nutrient digestibility, and serum metabolite profiles of broiler chickens and to compare their effectiveness as growth-promoting additives against antibiotics. Peer-reviewed articles were retrieved from Web of Science, Science Direct, PubMed, and Google scholar and selected based on pre-determined criteria. A total of 41 articles containing 55 experiments with 163 treatment units were eligible for analyses. Data were subjected to a meta-analysis based on mixed model methodology considering the doses of EOs as fixed effects and the different studies as random effects. Results showed a linear increase (p<0.001) on body weight gain (BWG) where feed conversion ratio (FCR) and average daily feed intake (ADFI) decreased (p<0.001) linearly with an increasing dose of EOs. Positive effects were observed on the increased (p<0.01) digestibility of dry matter (DM), crude protein (CP), ether extract (EE), and cecal Lactobacillus while E. coli population in the cecum decreased (p<0.001) linearly. There was a quadratic effect on the weight of gizzard (p<0.01), spleen (p<0.05), bursa of fabricius (p<0.001), and liver (p<0.10) while carcass, abdominal fat, and pancreas increased (p<0.01) linearly. The dose of EOs linearly increased HDL, glucose, protein, and globulin concentrations (p<0.01). In comparison to control and antibiotics, all type of EOs significantly reduced (p<0.001) FCR and tended to increase (p<0.1) BWG and final BW. Cinnamaldehyde-compound was the only EOs type showing a tendency to increase (p<0.1) carcass weight, albumin, and protein of serum metabolites while this EOs together with EOB 1 decreased (p<0.01) E. coli population. LDL concentration decreased (p<0.05) with AB and carvacrol-based compound when compared to the control group. This evidence confirms that EOs are suitable to be used as growth promoters and their economical benefit may be promising.
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Type  article-journal
Stage   published
Date   2020-12-13
Language   en ?
DOI  10.5713/ab.20.0668
PubMed  33332937
PMC  PMC8495342
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ISSN-L:  1011-2367
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