@article{noua_alami_2022, title={Proposal of a conceptual model of the performance of public organizations under the light of the theory of new public management}, DOI={10.5281/zenodo.6913628}, abstractNote={Public organizations today are facing a large number of challenges. The search for the global performance of public organizations has therefore become a necessity in order to respond effectively and efficiently to these challenges. Since the 1980s, the improvement of the performance of public organizations has occupied a primordial place in the management of these organizations, which has led many researchers and practitioners to call for a number of management reforms of public organizations called "new public management", the objective was to improve the quality of public services and thus improve the performance of the sector. The new public management is a new approach that explains the appropriation and integration of private sector practices by the public sector in order to improve the management of public sector organizations, in other words, to establish a culture of evaluation, control and achievement of objectives while ensuring the satisfaction of users of the sector. This article aims to present first a review of the literature on the concept of new public management, including an overview of the components of new public management, its history and its evolution. Then the article focuses on the specificities of the performance of public organizations and the categories of this performance. Finally, the article proposes a conceptual model with four research hypotheses on the contribution of the NPM theory and the objectives of the new public management that we have drawn from the literature review in creating performance in public organizations. Keywords: NPM, Performance, Public organizations. JEL Classification: D73 Paper type: Theoretical Research.}, publisher={Zenodo}, author={NOUA, Hind and ALAMI, Hasnaa}, year={2022}, month={Jul} }