@article{abbassi_shaikh_sangrasi_2012, title={HAEMORRHOIDS}, volume={19}, DOI={10.29309/tpmj/2012.19.04.2275}, abstractNote={Objective: The objectives of the study are to compare the outcome of the Doppler Guided Haemorrhoidal Artery Ligation andopen Haemorrhoidectomy in 2nd & 3rd Degree Haemorrhoids. Study design: Comparative study. Place and duration of study: Study wascarried out at the General Surgical Department at Liaquat University Hospital, Jamshoro & private hospital Hyderabad from 2008 – 2009.Methodology: Study consisted of 50 patients of diagnosed cases of heamorrhoid. Patients were divided in two groups. In Group A Standardopen Haemorrhoidectomy and Group B we used Doppler Guided Haemorrhoidal artery ligation. Detailed history was taken from all the patientswith special regard to the bleeding per rectum or some thing coming out during defecation and Clinical examination of anal canal DRE andProctoscopy was done. Results: In both groups male were 37 (74%) and female 13 (26%) with male: Female Ratio of 2:8:1. Age ranging from20 to 60 years in both group, mean ages of patients were 38.28 + 10.355 years. 3rd degree haemorrhoid 31(62%) while 2nd degree 19(38%).Complications were mild to moderate pain 24(96%) patients in DG – HAL group while moderate to severe pain 23(92%) in excisionalheamorrhoidectomy group. Anal stenosis in 2(8%), patients, anal fissure 1(4%) patients and feacal incontinence 1(4%) patients were observedonly in excisional heamorrhoidectomy. Recurrence occurred in one case (4%) in each group. Conclusions: DG – HAL procedure has a low rateof complications, earlier mobilization, implies a shorter hospital stay and offers the patient a more comfortable postoperative period thanExcisional heamorrhoidectomy procedure.}, number={04}, publisher={Independent Medical Trust}, author={ABBASSI, MUJEEB REHMAN and SHAIKH, UBEDULLAH and SANGRASI, AHMED KHAN}, year={2012}, month={Aug} }