El sūtra de la sección de los infiernos (Narakaparivartanāmasūtra). Traducción del primer capítulo de la obra budista Mahāvastu release_hwsygyjr4ngcxh7swp5jd6x554

by Roberto E. García, El Colegio de México, Mexico

Published in Nova tellus by Instituto de Investigaciones Filologicas.

2022   Volume 40, p211-240


This is the first translation into Spanish of the first chapter of the Buddhist work Mahāvastu from the beginning of the Common Era, composed in mixed Sanskrit. "The Sūtra on the Section of Hells" (Narakaparivartanāmasūtra) offers descriptions of the eight hells, explaining the causal connections between the punishments and the behaviors that lead beings to experience them. The text stands out by presenting one of the oldest systematic arrangements of the hells within Buddhism, revealing the interest of ancient Buddhists in fashioning a meticulous and well-structured cosmography.
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Date   2022-01-14
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