@article{toni_yokotani_2021, title={OPTIMALISASI PENINGKATAN PARTISIPASI POLITIK PEMILIH DALAM PEMILU/ PEMILUKADA KOTA PANGKALPINANG}, DOI={10.33019/besaoh.v1i01.2501}, abstractNote={The presidential and vice presidential elections in 2019 became the starting point for the service team to carry out this service because the political participation of Pangkalpinang City was still lower than other regions in Bangka Belitung Province, so that the optimization of political participation in the Pangkalpinang City area must be increased. The methods used are (1) explaining the legal basis, (2) explaining the function of the election, (3) explaining the important elements in organizing elections, (4) counseling is carried out in the form of lectures and interactive discussions, (5) distributing materials. The positive impacts of the implementation of this legal counseling include: (1) knowing technically or electoral procedures: (2) knowing the ethics of election administrators and voters that must be upheld in the implementation of elections: (3) knowing problems that may arise in elections, so that people can prevent this from happening.}, number={01}, publisher={Universitas Bangka Belitung}, author={Toni, Toni and Yokotani, Yokotani}, year={2021}, month={Jul} }