Fabrication of Co/Cu Multilayered Nanowires Using a Pulsed Current Deposition Technique release_htztwpxarnfnbo7p32d6fecjhi

by Takeshi Ohgai, Keisuke Hashiguchi, Takao Morimura, Keizo Takao, Akio Kagawa

Published in Materials Science Forum by Trans Tech Publications.

2010   Volume 654-656, p1728-1731


Co/Cu multilayered nanowires with 40 nm in diameter were fabricated using a pulsed current deposition technique into a nanoporous template with numerous nanochannels. To determine the optimum electrodeposition condition of Cu and Co into the template, cathodic polarization behavior was examined at a wide range of cathode potential. Time-dependence of deposition current was monitored to determine the growth rate of Co and Cu nanowires. Co layer and Cu layer thicknesses were adjusted to several tens nanometers, by controlling the deposition times. With decreasing the each layer thickness, the coercive force of Co/Cu multilayered nanowires was decreased and the soft magnetic property was improved.
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