The effect of pulsed electrodeposition parameters on the microstructure and magnetic properties of the CoNi nanowires release_hrw7mcgzbbfcfgwdhrls44dngy

by M Kashi, A Ramazani, N Akhshi, E Khamse, Z Fallah

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CoNi nanowires were deposited by pulsed electrodeposition technique into porous alumina templates. The effect of off time between pulses (t off) and reductive/oxidative time (t reduc/oxid) on the microstructure and magnetic properties of the CoNi nanowires were investigated. Maximum coercivity and squareness were obtained for samples fabricated at t reduc/oxid = 0.5 ms and t off =400 ms. The coercivity increases in the range of 930-1990Oe by increasing of off time from 20 to 400 ms. The initially hcp structure of the nanowires was converted to an amorphous structure by increasing of off time between the pulses. 2012 JNS All rights reserved
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