Chiral Structure of Vector and Axial-Vector Tetraquark Currents release_hrfwhwbsa5atzl2jjmqudrizce

by Hua-Xing Chen

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We investigate the chiral structure of local vector and axial-vector tetraquark currents, and study their chiral transformation properties. We consider the charge-conjugation parity and classify all the isovector vector and axial-vector local tetraquark currents of quantum numbers I(G)J(PC)=1(-)1(-+), I(G)J(PC)=1(+)1(--), I(G)J(PC)=1(-)1(++) and I(G)J(PC)=1(+)1(+-). We find that there is a one to one correspondence among them. Using these currents, we perform QCD sum rule analyses. Our results suggest that there is a missing b1 state having I(G)J(PC)=1(+)1(+-) and a mass around 1.47-1.66 GeV.
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Type  article
Stage   submitted
Date   2013-11-20
Version   v1
Language   en ?
arXiv  1311.4992v1
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Revision: fa6695a0-b9bb-43cb-b501-afe778eb23b5