Ultrafiltration of charge-stabilized dispersions at low salinity release_hdjeuwza2ray3phvzvouvf2llm

by Rafael Roa, Daniel Menne, Jonas Riest, Pompilia Buzatu, Emiliy K. Zholkovskiy, Jan K. G. Dhont, Matthias Wessling, Gerhard Nägele

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We present a comprehensive study of cross-flow ultrafiltration (UF) of charge-stabilized suspensions, under low-salinity conditions of electrostatically strongly repelling colloidal particles. The axially varying permeate flux, near-membrane concentration-polarization (CP) layer and osmotic pressure profiles are calculated using a macroscopic diffusion-advection boundary layer method, and are compared with filtration experiments on aqueous suspensions of charge-stabilized silica particles. The theoretical description based on the one-component macroion fluid model (OCM) accounts for the strong influence of surface-released counterions on the renormalized colloid charge and suspension osmotic compressibility, and for the influence of the colloidal hydrodynamic interactions and electric double layer repulsion on the concentration-dependent suspension viscosity η, and collective diffusion coefficient D_c. A strong electro-hydrodynamic enhancement of D_c and η, and likewise of the osmotic pressure is predicted theoretically, as compared with their values for a hard-sphere suspension. We also point to the failure of generalized Stokes-Einstein relations describing reciprocal relations between D_c and η. According to our filtration model, D_c is of dominant influence, giving rise to an only weakly developed CP layer having practically no effect on the permeate flux. This prediction is quantitatively confirmed by our UF measurements of the permeate flux using an aqueous suspension of charged silica spheres as the feed system. The experimentally detected fouling for the largest considered transmembrane pressure values is shown not to be due to filter cake formation by crystallization or vitrification.
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Type  article
Stage   submitted
Date   2016-03-18
Version   v1
Language   en ?
arXiv  1603.05896v1
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