Leveraging Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Predicting and Managing Pandemics: Lessons Learnt and Future Implications in the Healthcare Sector release_h6xg3wpqn5h4hejy63htcme3tm

by Steward Mudenda, Shafiq Mohamed

Published in Scholars Academic Journal of Biosciences by SASPR Edu International Pvt. Ltd.

2024   Volume 12, Issue 01, p16-21


Artificial intelligence (AI) is a game changer in the healthcare, educational, and other sectors. The use of AI in the healthcare sector has shown that AI and machine learning should be promoted in the improvement of service provision, including in predicting and managing pandemics. This study assessed the roles of AI in predicting and managing pandemics with lessons learnt from the COVID-19 pandemic. A narrative review was conducted from December 2023 to January 2024 on the role of AI and machine learning in predicting and managing pandemics. A literature search was done using PubMed and Google Scholar. This study found that AI is useful in the healthcare sector and can be used to predict and manage pandemics. Additionally, AI can be used in disease modelling and improve public health service provision. There is a need to promote and strengthen the use of AI and machine learning in the healthcare sector.
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Date   2024-01-12
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